New Patients

Dr. Kashani is providing New Patient consultations both in-person and via Telehealth.
Contact Us Today To Schedule Your Appointment.
What can you expect during your New Patient Consultation
1) Detailed History
I want to get to know you and your partner (if you have one).
- What do you do?
- What are your goals?
- Medical problems? Medications (supplements)? Diet? Stress? Drug/alcohol/Caffeine intake?
- Prior Surgeries?
- What are your periods like? Regular? Heavy? Painful? Any changes?
- Detailed Fertility history? Are you tracking your cycles? I want to know the details you recorded in your App. Information is data, and data helps me understand you and your body.
- Partner History? I want to know all these details about your partner as well.
2) Prior Testing
If you have had a fertility work-up already, I will review the lab and imaging results. If you have had and ultrasound, hysterosalpingogram, or prior surgery, I will want to review the reports and also the images in detail. These details can be helpfuling in understanding the what is causing the problem, and what treatment may be best suited for you.
3) Prior Treatments
Many come to me after having failed a treatment elsewhere (either IUI or IVF). I will review these prior treatment cycles in detail. There is so much to learn from these prior cycles that can be helpful in tailoring the best fertility treatment for you in the future. I also want to know how you felt during these cycles (both physically and emotionally). What can we learn and how can I help make it better?
4) Examination & Ultrasound
I‘ll do a basic physical examination to ensure you are healthy prior to getting pregnant. I will also do a pelvic ultrasound to look at your uterus & ovaries. I look for fibroids and ovarian cysts or other pathology that could contribute to infertility. The ultrasound allows me to do an antral follicle count (AFC) and gives me a glimpse into your ovarian reserve.
5) Further Work-Up
Order additional testing (for either you or your partner) & make referrals to other providers (if needed).
6) Answer Your Questions
Bring in your list. I want everyone to leave my office feeling their concerns were addressed.